Since WII being put on sale, the derivative products issued one by one, which result from the distinctiveness fo Wii operation. The initial products, such as tennis racket, baseball bat, are designed to enhance the telepresence, and now the editor find another fresh product-Wii Boxing Gloves. This Boxing Gloves, only sold at $7.03, can bring you more real Boxing experence.
This Wii Boxing Gloves made from high-qulity artificial leather. Carefully observing, you can find that the manufacture craft is so delicate that all of the sems jioning perfect. As same as the pre-refered Wii tennis racket, baseball bat, this Wii Boxing Gloves does not include any circuit arrangement, which is the reason why it is cheap. Also, this Wii Boxing Gloves should be equiped with Wii Remote Controller and joy stick when you use it, and the player should put the Wii Remote Controller and Joy Stick into the gloves respcetively(one in the Right glof and the other in the left glof), then sense the relative displacement from hands through the remote controller.
The way of using Wii Boxing Gloves as follows:
The distinctiveness of Wii operation result in the birth of a lot of derivative products in the present market. This Wii Boxing Gloves will improve the gaming reality a lot and we believe you will love it.