Looking For Some Spooky Fun For Halloween 2013

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Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition coming between fall and winter. Halloween originated as a pagan festival in parts of Northern Europe, particularly around

what is now the United Kingdom. Many European cultural traditions hold that Halloween is a time when magic is most potent and spirits can make contact with the physical world.

Now Halloween is a very profitable holiday for the manufacturers of costumes, yard decorations and candy.


Halloween is usually celebrated amongst family, friends and, sometimes, co-workers. However, some areas hold large community events. Parties and other events may be planned on

October 31 or in the weekends before and after this date. Adults may celebrate by watching horror films, holding costume parties or creating haunted houses or graveyards.

Looking for scary things like fack mark, funny coustums or pumpkin lights is an easy job for every family. Many people even shop a month ago from China Wholesale.


What People Do?

Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting “haunted houses” and carving jack-o-lanterns. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried

versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century including Ireland, the United

States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom as well as of Australia and New Zealand.

Many children dress up in fancy costumes and visit other homes in the neighborhood. At each house, they demand sweets, snacks or a small gift. If they do not get this, they

threaten to do some harm to the inhabitants of the house. This is known as playing ‘trick-or-treat’ and is supposed to happen in a friendly spirit, with no nasty or mean tricks

being carried out. However, if your children take part, it is important to accompany them and to check their ‘treats’ to make sure they are safe to eat or play with.

Some families carve lanterns with ‘scary’ faces out of pumpkins or other vegetables or decorate their homes and gardens in Halloween style. These were traditionally intended to

ward off evil spirits. If you are at home on Halloween, it is a good idea to have a bowl of small presents or sweets to offer to anyone who knocks on your door. This will help

you to please the little spirits in your neighborhood!


Various symbols associated with Halloween include the spooks, ghosts and walking skeletons that represent the contact between the spiritual and physical world and between the

living and the dead. Human figures that are often represented on Halloween are witches and wizards, who are seen to have the power to contact the spirit world. Bats, black cats

and spiders are often connected with this holiday. These animals are associated with the night and darkness and often accompany witches and wizards.

A range of objects associated with Halloween include blood, fire, gravestones, pumpkins, bones and skulls. They all have connections with death, the spirit world or protecting

property from evil spirits. Many of these objects are now available in stores as decorations for the Halloween season.


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